FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B – 27th / 28th January, 2024

Discipleship requires a change in us. We want to change because in so many ways we are being strangled to death by demons. We are caught in dysfunction and sin; we live in the midst of the battle between good and evil, the struggle of human finitude and failure. We are plunged into the throes of human suffering and pain, and there seems to be no escape. When we are released by Jesus from the demons that possess us, we are freed from the stranglehold of evil and liberated to live far less encumbered and divided lives. No Earthly reality will possess us, neither relationships nor obligations nor even religious practices. Rather, we will be possessed by Christ who liberates us for the reign of God. Therefore, whether married or unmarried, whether in the midst of the community or at its margins, we will be able to heed the voice of God in our hearts and to recognise Jesus in our midst.