The Sacrament of Baptism for Infants is ordinarily celebrated at 12.30 pm on the Second Sunday of the month. Parents may also request to have their child’s/children’s Baptism celebrated during one of our weekend Masses.
Infant Baptism signals the beginning of a child’s Christian journey, where parents make a commitment to form their children in faith, helping them understand that they belong to Christ and to God’s holy people, the Church. Christian Initiation within the life of the Church, both local and universal, is one that will take place over a number of years. Christian Initiation for children begins with the events associated with Baptism. Over subsequent years children will also formally receive and be nourished by Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and receive the Holy Spirit in Confirmation which will complete their reception of the Sacraments of Initiation within the Catholic Church.