Care for Our Common Home

“LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”. (Laudato Si’ first paragraph)

The Care for Our Common Home Group in Our Lady of the Assumption Parish was established in response to Pope Francis’ call to all people of the world to “Care for our Common Home”. In his encyclical “Laudato Si’” Pope Francis identified an urgent need for us to change the way we live so that we can properly care for and support our precious Earth and its finite resources, together with all its people, creatures and life forms. Our group has arranged several events designed to help people better understand these challenges and provide practical advice on how we may all respond. In our Parish Bulletin we regularly publish information about Laudato Si’ and how we can tread more lightly on our world by reducing, re-using, recycling and refusing.

Our Parish Liturgy often includes prayers and reflections relating to the important message of Laudato Si’. We continue to arrange events and guest speakers covering many different aspects of caring for our precious world and its people. Our events mostly involve parishioners, members of our community and students and staff from Our Lady of the Assumption Primary School. We warmly welcome anyone who would like to join us on our journey. For further information please contact Adrian Foley through Our Lady of the Assumption Parish on 9583 6161 or via email: [email protected]