The Our Lady of the Assumption Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, has in excess of 30 full members, and a further 40+ volunteers, all of whom participate in the the local conference’s varied works of support and outreach.
The Conference meets on the First Sunday of each month (except January) after 9 am Mass.
Members assist those who may be struggling, or experiencing hardship or situations of crisis. Those assisted may be struggling to find meaningful employment, or perhaps a sole parent simply trying to make ends meet. The work of our conference is to support those who are struggling through tough times by offering, first and foremost, a hand up, not a hand out. The longer term goal is to restore people’s dignity, while assisting them to be more self-sufficient.
Each month the work of our local Conference includes visits, on average, to around 40 families, to provide food parcels and/or vouchers, to assist with utility bills and transport costs, and/or to meet urgent requests associated with medical costs, and the provision of items such as furniture, clothing and white goods. The Conference also conducts a weekly ‘bread run’, distributing bread to around 30 families.
Last Christmas 92 Christmas hampers of food, toys and presents were delivered to families in need.
Throughout the year 10 families were assisted with education grants for children who were commencing secondary school.
If you are interested in being a part of this great work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, please contact Bert Driessen via the OLA Parish Office on 9583 6161.