The disciples set out to fish at night and in the darkness they catch nothing. Then, when the dawn comes they see Jesus, named in this Gospel the Light of the world. Relying on the word of Jesus, the disciples’ efforts bear fruit and in the wonder of this bountiful result, the presence of the Lord is recognised. The breakfast by the lake recalls the earlier feeding miracle in John 6 where Jesus took five loaves and two fish and fed a great crowd. The miracle in John 6 and this meal are Eucharistic in their symbolism. Jesus is present in the midst of the disciples even though his presence is not immediately recognised. Jesus is the host inviting his disciples to eat the food he has prepared for them and for us. This lakeside feeding reflects the living experience of the Christian community. When they gather for Eucharist, they are in touch with the Risen Jesus who continues to guide and nourish them. Can we also recognise the Risen One present in our lives and nourishing us in the Eucharist?