When Jesus called himself the new temple, he was claiming to be the centre of the universe and the presence of God in the midst of the community. When we accept him in faith, we are accepting these claims. We may profess this belief, but do our lives reflect it? To say that Jesus is the wisdom of God means that God’s wisdom is made known in him and that he is the way that points to God. While laws often embody distinctive cultural values or customs, as wisdom of God, Jesus crosses cultural boundaries and breaks down cultural distinctions. As the wisdom of God, Jesus fulfils the expectations of any and all codes of law. Both the law and the temple witness to the power of God in the lives of believers. However, both institutions pale in the light of Jesus who is identified as the power of God. This divine power is not revealed in lofty precepts or in magnificent stones, but rather in the broken and pierced body of Jesus Christ. How willing are we to accept him?