The reign of God must be tended and protected from what might endanger it, so that it may produce abundant and delectable fruit. In the gospel account, the vine does indeed produce an abundant crop. In fact, it is the very productivity of the vineyard that sets the stage for the treachery described. We can see ourselves in both uses of the vineyard metaphor. There are times when, regardless of what God seems to be doing for us, we simply rebel against God’s plans. We stand in defiance. There are other times when we, who are disciples of Jesus, act as if the kingdom is ours. We might even marginalise or force out others with whom we do not agree, so that we have sole control. When we consider the justice of God, it is important that we place it within the right context, lest we create a picture of God that is false and misleading. It is because of God’s tender love for the vineyard that treachery cannot be tolerated. If we have produced unacceptable fruits, it is for our own good that God steps in and dismantles the structures that enabled us to produce bad fruit. It is appropriate that God would snatch the vineyard from our grasp and entrust it to one who will faithfully carry out God’s plans.