TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A – 30th September / 1st October, 2023

We are called to discipleship, and it is an invitation that is to be accepted freely. As is the case with life itself, options are placed before us all the way along the road. We are invited to choose in favour of the reign of God, or we are free to ignore the invitation. However, the invitation always remains open to us, because God’s desire for our acceptance is persistent and enduring. The real choice set before us today is the imitation of Christ. The specific characteristic of Christ today is his humility. Since demanding one’s rights can undermine the loving quality of community, Jesus’ humility is offered for our imitation. It is very clear that whichever aspect of discipleship we examine, some aspect of community is also present. To be a disciple of Jesus is to follow him humbly as a member of a believing community.