World Migrant and Refugee Sunday encourages us to ask how we can build a better future together. As with other large goals such as addressing climate change, this can seem overwhelming. The task is enormous and the resources are few. In all worthwhile human enterprises though, small is beautiful and we need to find a patch of rock at which we can chip away and go from there. There are many ways in which we can give to refugees our time, our resources, our voice and our heart. We can take refugees into our heart by supporting them in our own communities and taking practical steps to advocate for issues affecting their lives and futures. Reading their stories, listening to them speak, allowing time to imagine what it must be like to flee fearing for your life and desperate to find food and a night’s shelter for your family are some of the ways we can also connect with them. Through using our voice, heart, time and resources – we have the opportunity to advocate for actions we can take now that will help build the future we want: an Australia that welcomes people seeking asylum and treats them with humanity and compassion.